
Employee-First Finances

In a society where corporate budgets disappear all too quickly into nonessentials and bloat, LRG is committed to operating frugally and future-mindedly, in everything from management salaries to employee workloads to office space, while empowering our gamemakers with the tools and runway to build games our gamers will enjoy.

Player-First Monetization

The time and wallets of our players should be respected in our games. Free-to-play and pay-to-win business models have a way of wrapping development around monetization mechanics, often through artificial difficulty meant to prompt spending. We instead believe in box prices and subscriptions, which leave our success dependent on creating rewarding gameplay.

Outstanding Experiences

LRG's products should be marked by the extra mile. We strive for plentiful content, uniqueness, and memorability in our work. Our preference is to wait on a game's release rather than offer a broken or perfunctory effort. Our initial focus on retro games is part of that preference, requiring us to emphasize strong gameplay rather than graphics or gimmicks.

Creative Independence

We believe that good products require the freedom to make choices. We are reluctant to stand upon outside investment, acquisition, or a publisher, as these institutions bring the risk of pulling priorities away from artistry. We instead choose to learn and acquire new skills for ourselves to become complete as a studio.

High and Honest Communication

Communication is success, not a distraction from it. Our customers are our lifeblood, our best source of feedback, and our responsibility to keep informed. We build our very staff and workflow around honesty, transparency, and long-term relationships with those who privilege us with their purchases and opinions.